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Did you know?
Lizard Clan's rules
have changed since TTO. For example, you don't have to be dropless anymore!
Lizzy fact!
Lizard Clan was the first ever clan on TTO. There were guilds before us, but no clans. That means we should be toony role models!

#2. Recruit

Due to how well known and large Lizard Clan is, only senior lizards (100+ laff) are permitted to recruit new members. If you see somebody recruiting who is below that, they either don't know about the rule or aren't actually in the clan. This rule is important to follow because if everyone were able to recruit, there would be too many members and we wouldn't be able to keep track of their names! If you want somebody to join, you can always refer them to a senior lizard.

#3. Dedication

It's required that you pass Toontown Central tasks in a month or less. This is so that we know you're committed to Lizard Clan and aren't just going to just make your toon and never play it again. If you need an extension for any reason, don't worry- it's okay! Please ask a staff lizard about it.

#4. Remember

Lizard Clan began on Disney's Toontown Online, not Toontown Rewritten. Because of this, we have many former members that may rejoin someday. Even if they don't, it's important to remember them and their names, so that they aren't accidentally replaced by somebody new! Very well-known former lizards' names are forever memorialized in the google document:
View Memorial List Here

Written by Soul Lizard
(formerly Roxy Foxy Lizard)

#5. Reserve

Lizard Clan prides itself on allowing its members to stand out and be unique amongst the crowd. Therefore, both toon names and doodle names can be reserved on the corresponding list.

#1. Respect

Everyone in Lizard Clan just wants to have fun and play Toontown. We're all here for the same reason: to make friends and play our favorite game. So respecting your fellow clanmates is important. You don't have to like everybody, just treat them with respect! Don't be mean!

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